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New proofs supporting the efficacy of radiation therapy for kidney cancer 

February is the month when Cancer research UK raises awareness about kidney cancer. In 2020 over 400 000 people were diagnosed with this disease, and almost 180 000 died, worldwide. In the UK, there are over 13 000 new cases each year, on average, and almost 5000 lost lives. The…



World Cancer Day – Joining efforts for a better cancer care

World cancer day, celebrated on the 4th of February, was established more than 20 years ago. It represents an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) , the oldest and largest global membership organization dedicated to taking action on cancer. UICC has over 1150 member organizations in 172…



How can AI-based auto-contouring improve the life of patients who need palliative radiation therapy?

Cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and death, worldwide. Approximately 18 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year and the number is expected to increase. Pain is experienced by two thirds of patients having advanced, metastatic or terminal disease (1). Other symptoms caused by compression on…



MVision AI Announces Partnership with Medron Medical Systems (Canada)

HELSINKI, Finland - January 22, 2024 MVision AI, a premier software service provider of GBS™ (Guideline-Based Segmentation) solution for same-day radiotherapy treatment planning, proudly announces a new distribution partnership with Medron Medical Systems, a leading health equipment provider in Canada. This collaboration follows the receipt of Medical Device License (MDL)…

Press Releases


The world’s first comprehensive GBS™ solution for radiation therapy cancer treatment is now available for implementation in Canadian clinics

HELSINKI, Finland - January 22, 2024 MVision AI announces first Health Canada Medical Device License for MVision AI Segmentation (Contour+).  In conjunction with Guide and Verify, Contour+ stands as a unique solution covering all the essential needs of radiotherapy departments, offering a more comprehensive approach to staff training and patient…

Press Releases


Contour+ performance on Male Pelvis synthetic CTs

Results of MVision AI’s solutions scientific evaluation were presented at the previous ASTRO annual meeting. One of the posters included data from paired MRI and synthetic CT scans (MRCAT) of male pelvis and showed the accuracy and consistency of Contour+ models. The abstract was published in  Volume 117 Issue 2…



The voice of customer experience: Dr. Giuseppe Sasso, New Zealand

Dr. Giuseppe Sasso is a Radiation Oncologist with extensive experience in the field, who has been using MVision AI for more than a year already, as an individual customer. He graduated from University of Naples where he also finished residency training 25 years ago. Since then, he has treated patients…



Merging (Artificial) Intelligence and Ethics in Radiation Oncology – Why and How?

”Our future is a race between the growing power of technology and the wisdom with which we use it.” This statement of Stephen Hawking, the well known physicist, mathematician and visionary, summarizes very well the present challenges. A new technology, irrespective of its degree of complexity, makes an impact in…




January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and these three core principles are emphasized during the 2024 campaign. Nowadays, cervical cancer is responsible for more than 300,000 deaths each year globally. Fortunately, we have the tools to prevent it, diagnose it early, and treat it efficiently in most cases. This is…



AI-based auto-contouring – What to expect?

Time is money but it’s even more than that - time is life. Radiotherapy is one of the medical fields in which technological advances find a proper receptor. We find new ways to use outstanding computer capabilities to increase the quality of services and focus on the next steps to…



Lymph nodes irradiation for breast cancer – outlines from the Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group meta-analysis

An important article for clinical practice  was recently published in “The Lancet”. The conclusions are based on the meta-analysis of 16 trials and represents a trustable proof on impact of radiotherapy of the lymph node regions in breast cancer radiotherapy. It is important to mention that individual patient data  from…



MVision AI and Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine (ICL, Nancy) announce the first installation of unique Guide and Verify solutions for cancer treatment in France

HELSINKI, Finland - November 24, 2023 Institut de CancĂ©rologie de Lorraine (ICL) in Nancy (France) has been a MVision AI customer since the installation of Contour+ in January 2023. This year, the values of using Guideline-Based AI Segmentation in daily practice have been prominently featured in several French media outlets…

Press Releases


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