Faster, guideline-compliant and consistent contours for high-precision radiotherapy.
Guideline-Based Auto-Contouring. AI-Powered Precision
Contour+ is an AI-powered auto-segmentation software that delivers fast and precise automatic delineation of organs-at-risk and lymph node areas. By adhering to industry best practices, Contour+ ensures standardized and consistent contours, resulting in safe and accurate treatment plans delivered with exceptional efficiency.
With Contour+, all users across different clinics begin with the same guideline-based foundation, which facilitates easier inter-clinic collaboration and streamlines research processes.
Features and Benefits
Secure and compliant
Contour+ meets GDPR & HIPAA standards
Contour+ is GDPR & HIPAA compliant, ensuring that your clinic maintains the highest standards of data protection and patient privacy. All images are pseudo-anonymized and delivered to the MVision AI cloud only to generate the contouring results. Data is uploaded to the cloud through an encrypted connection to be processed by the AI algorithm.
Once the regions of interest (ROIs) are auto-segmented, they are sent back to the clinic via the same encryption/decryption process. Received data is deleted from the cloud server within 24 hours. The entire process, including uploading, processing, and receiving results, takes only a few minutes and happens automatically in the background. This efficiency enables clinicians to make timely, informed decisions, enhancing the overall treatment workflow.
Data Controller:
The clinic is designated as the data controller, retaining full control over patient data while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
Data Processor:
MVision AI acts as the data processor, adhering to a comprehensive data processing agreement that guarantees all data handling is secure and compliant with industry standards.
Structure Library
Contour+ encompasses all major anatomical sites and treatment planning structures with state-of-the-art 3D AI models. The models cover 300+ structures, such as head and neck, breast, mediastinal and pelvic lymph nodes or effort intensive OARs like bowel loops, cauda equina and brachial plexus.
These structures are tightly aligned with international contouring guidelines provided by RTOG, ESTRO, UK SABR Consortium, and many others.
The Brain CT model covers 28 OAR structures used in brain tumor radiotherapy treatment planning.
2015 Scoccianti et al.:
Brainstem, Eye_L, Eye_R, Lens_L, Lens_R, OpticChiasm_cnv, OpticNrv_cnv_L, OpticNrv_cnv_R
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
GHG 2020 Mir et al.:
2015 Brouwer et al.:
A_Carotid_L, A_Carotid_R, Brain, Cochlea_L, Cochlea_R, Eye_Ant_L, Eye_Ant_R, Eye_Post_L, Eye_Post_R, Glnd_Lacrimal_L, Glnd_Lacrimal_R, OpticChiasm, OpticNrv_L, OpticNrv_R, Parotid_L, Parotid_R, Pituitary, SpinalCord
The Brain MR model includes 29 OAR structures. The majority of these are based on the EPTN guidelines published in 2018 and 2021. The model supports high resolution T1 sequences from multiple MRI vendors.
EPTN 2018 & 2021 Eekers et al.:
Amygdala_L, Amygdala_R, Brain, Brainstem, Cerebellum, CorpusCallosum, Glnd_Lacrimal_L, Glnd_Lacrimal_R, Hippocampus_L, Hippocampus_R, Hypothalamus, MedullaOblongata, Midbrain, OpticChiasm_cnv, OpticNrv_cnv_L, OpticNrv_cnv_R, OpticTract_cnv_L, OpticTract_cnv_R, Pituitary, Pons, Thalamus_L, Thalamus_R
2015 Brouwer et al.:
OpticChiasm, OpticNrv_L, OpticNrv_R
2015 Scoccianti et al.:
Eye_L, Eye_R
OpticTract_L, OpticTract_R
This complex and high quality model contains a total of 74 structures, both OARs and Lymph node regions, specific for Head and Neck cancer treatments. The model works with both contrast and non-contrast enhanced scans and handles dental filling artefacts and different anatomies well.
2015 Scoccianti et al.:
Brainstem, Eye_L, Eye_R, Lens_L, Lens_R, OpticChiasm_cnv, OpticNrv_cnv_L, OpticNrv_cnv_R
2015 Brouwer et al.:
A_Carotid_L, A_Carotid_R, Arytenoid_L, Arytenoid_R, Bone_Mandible, Brain, Buccal_Mucosa_L, Buccal_Mucosa_R, Cavity_Oral, Cochlea_L, Cochlea_R, Cricophar_inlet, Esophagus_S, Eye_Ant_L, Eye_Ant_R, Eye_Post_L, Eye_Post_R, Glnd_Lacrimal_L, Glnd_Lacrimal_R, Glnd_Submand_L, Glnd_Submand_R, Glnd_Thyroid, Glottis, Larynx_SG, Lips, Musc_Constrict, OpticChiasm, OpticNrv_L, OpticNrv_R, Parotid_L, Parotid_R, Pituitary, SpinalCord, BrachialPlex_L, BrachialPlex_R
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
Lung_L, Lung_R, SpinalCanal
2013 Grégoire et al.:
LN_Neck_IA, LN_Neck_IB_L, LN_Neck_IB_R, LN_Neck_II_L, LN_Neck_II_R, LN_Neck_III_L, LN_Neck_III_R, LN_Neck_IVA_L, LN_Neck_IVA_R, LN_Neck_IVB_L, LN_Neck_IVB_R, LN_, LN_Neck_VC_L, Neck_V_L, LN_Neck_V_R, LN_Neck_VC_R, LN_ Neck_VIA, LN_Neck_VIB, LN_Neck_XB_R, LN_Neck_VIIA_L, LN_Neck_VIIA_R, LN_ Neck_VIIB_L, LN_Neck_VIIB_R, LN_Neck_IX_L, LN_Neck_IX_R, LN_Neck_XA_L, LN_Neck_XA_R, LN_Neck_XB_L, N_Neck_XB_R
Combination with Jaw Model
LJ_Front_L/R, LJ_Molar_L/R, LJ_Ramus_L/R, LJ_Condyle_L/R, UJ_Front_L/R, UJ_Molar_L/R
The breast CT model comprises over 55 ROIs. The breast radiotherapy-specific structures are based on the ESTRO, RTOG, and RADCOMP guidelines. In addition to the standardized structures, ready-made combinations of the target volumes are included. Heart chambers are also provided according to the Milo et al. 2020 guideline.
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
A_Aorta, A_Pulm, Esophagus, Heart, Lung_L, Lung_R, SpinalCanal, V_Venacava_I, V_Venacava_S,
RTOG 2014 Jabbour et al.:
Liver, Stomach
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
RTOG 2009 White et al.:
Breast_RTOG_L, Breast_RTOG_R
RADCOMP 2016 MacDonald et al.:
2020 Milo et al.:
Atrium_L, Atrium_R, Ventricle_L, Ventricle_R
2015 Brouwer et al.:
A_Carotid_L, A_Carotid_R, BrachialPlex_L, BrachialPlex_R, Glnd_Thyroid, SpinalCord
ESTRO 2015 & 2016 Offersen et al.:
Breast_L, Breast_R, LN_Breast_L1_L, LN_Breast_L1_R, LN_Breast_L2_L, LN_Breast_L2_R, LN_ Breast_L3_L, LN_Breast_L3_R, LN_Breast_L4_L, LN_Breast_L4_R, LN_IMN_ IC4_L, LN_IMN_IC4_R, LN_IMN_L, LN_IMN_R, LN_Intpect_L, LN_Intpect_R
2017 Duane et al.:
Humerus_L, Humerus_R, Humerus_Head_L, Humerus_Head_R, Trachea, LN_Axillary_L, LN_Axillary_R, LN_Axilla_RTOG_L, LN_Axilla_RTOG_R
The Abdomen and Lung CT model has 35+ OAR structures to aid in standardized treatment planning for both conventional EBRT and SBRT. Heart chambers are also available in this model according to the Milo et al. 2020 guideline.
RTOG 2014 Jabbour et al.:
Esophagus, Liver, Kidney_L, Kidney_R, Pancreas, Spleen, Stomach
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bag_Bowel, Bowel_Large, Bowel_Small
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
A_Aorta, A_Pulm, Heart, Lung_L, Lung_R, SpinalCanal, V_Venacava_I, V_Venacava_S
2015 Brouwer et al.:
SpinalCord, BrachialPlex_L, BrachialPlex_R
SABR UK Consortium 2019.:
Bronchus_Prox, Chestwall_L, Chestwall_R, Heart+A_Pulm, Trachea_Prox
2020 Milo et al.:
Atrium_L, Atrium_R, Ventricle_L, Ventricle_R
2017 Duane et al.:
Humerus_L, Humerus_R, Humerus_Head_L, Humerus_Head_R, Trachea
This model contains 17 structures encompassing the mediastinal lymphatic basins defined by the IASLC in 2014. It was designed to aid in the treatment planning of thoracic tumors. It is available in combination with the Abdomen and Lung CT Model.
2013 Lynch et al.:
LN_Lung_01_L, LN_Lung_01_R, LN_Lung_02_L, LN_Lung_02_R, LN_Lung_03_A, LN_Lung_03_P, LN_Lung_04_L, LN_Lung_04_R, LN_Lung_05, LN_Lung_06, LN_Lung_07, LN_Lung_08, LN_Lung_10_L, LN_Lung_10_R, LN_Lung_11_L, LN_Lung_11_i_R, LN_Lung_11_s_R
The Female Pelvis CT model comes with a collection of more than 40 structures. It includes lymph nodes for the pelvic region and also provides para-aortic lymph nodes and abdominal OARs for more extensive treatments.
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bag_Bowel, Bladder, Femur_L, Femur_R, RectoSigmoid, UteroCervix, Bowel_Large, Bowel_Small
RTOG 2014 Jabbour et al.:
Duodenum, Kidney_R, Kidney_L, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Stomach
ESTRO ACROP 2018 Salembier et al.:
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
A_Aorta, SpinalCanal, V_Venacava_I
SABR UK Consortium 2019.:
Femur_Head_L, Femur_Head_R
RTOG 2008 Small et al.:
CTV_Pelvis, LN_Gyn_RTOG
NRG 2021 Small et al.:
2016 Valentini et al:
LN_Inguinal_L, LN_Inguinal_R
RTOG 2011 Lim et al.:
Gray’s Anatomy 2020 Standring S.:
Bone_Pelvic, L4_VB, L5_VB, Musc_Coccygeus_L, Musc_Coccygeus_R, Musc_Iliacus_L, Musc_Iliacus_R, Musc_Obt_Int_L, Musc_Obt_Int_R, Musc_Pirifor_L, Musc_Pirifor_R, Musc_Psoas_Maj_L, Musc_Psoas_Maj_R, Sacrum,
This model aims to provide assistance in fast and efficient treatment planning for CT guided brachytherapy treatments for cervical cancer patients.
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bladder, Femur_L, Femur_R, UteroCervix
ESTRO ACROP 2018 Salembier et al.:
PIVOTAL 2015 Harris et al.:
Vessels_Long_L, Vessels_Long_R
GHG 2020 Mir et al.:
Bowel_Loops, Colon_Sigmoid
adapted GHG 2020 Mir et al.:
Urethra, Vagina
Gray’s Anatomy 2020 Standring S.:
Bone_Pelvic, Sacrum
Applicator, App_Ring
The CT model offers a vast collection of structures including 3 different lymph node volumes as recommended by the NRG, RTOG and PIVOTAL guidelines.
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bag_Bowel, Bladder, Bowel_Large, Bowel_Small, Femur_R, Femur_L, PenileBulb, RectoSigmoid
ESTRO ACROP 2018 Salembier et al.:
Prostate, Rectum
NRG 2020 Hall et al.:
RTOG 2009 Lawton et al.:
LN_RTOG, SeminalVes
PIVOTAL 2015 Harris et al.:
LN_Pivotal, Vessels_L, Vessels_R, Vessels_Long_L, Vessels_Long_R
2016 Valentini et al:
LN_Inguinal_L, LN_Inguinal_R
RTOG 2014 Jabbour et al.:
Duodenum, Kidney_L, Kidney_R, Liver, Pancreas
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
A_Aorta, SpinalCanal, SpinalCord, Spleen, Stomach, V_Venacava_I
2021 Dunne et al.:
SABR UK Consortium 2019.:
Femur_Head_L, Femur_Head_R
Gray’s Anatomy 2020 Standring S.:
Bone_Pelvic, L5_VB, L4_VB, Sacrum, Musc_Coccygeus_L, Musc_Coccygeus_R, Musc_Psoas_Maj_L, Musc_Psoas_Maj_R, Musc_Iliacus_L, Musc_Iliacus_R, Musc_Pirifor_L, Musc_Pirifor_R, Musc_Obt_Int_L, Musc_Obt_Int_R
Femur_Implant_L, Femur_Implant_R, Markers
The rectal model is equiped with ROIs dedicated to ano-rectal cancer treatments. It has been designed to complete the Male or Female Pelvis Models within these treatments and is available alone or in combination with them.
2016 Valentini et al:
LN_Inguinal_L, LN_Inguinal_R, LN_Rectum_EIN_L, LN_Rectum_EIN_R, LN_Rectum_IRF, LN_Rectum_LLNa_L, LN_Rectum_LLNa_R, LN_Rectum_PSa, Mesorectum, SphincterComplex
modified 2016 Valentini et al:
2023 Bogveradze et al.:
This MRI model for male pelvis radiotherapy covers T1-Dixon sequences and provides contours for 8 ROIs. In addition to these, Body is also included for MR-only workflow.
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bladder, Femur_L, Femur_R, SeminalVes, PenileBulb
ESTRO ACROP 2018 Salembier et al.:
Prostate, Rectum
This MRI model for male pelvis radiotherapy covers T2 weighted sequences and provides contours for 7 ROIs, allowing enhanced accuracy over CT-based contouring.
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bladder, PenileBulb, SeminalVes
ESTRO ACROP 2018 Salembier et al.:
Prostate, Rectum
BladderTrigone, Spacer
The Whole Body CT model has 79 OARs, being suitable for the irradiation of multiple sites, large volumes or long structures. It offers a fast solution for the time-consuming task of delineating multiple structures.
2015 Brouwer et al.:
A_Carotid_L, A_Carotid_R, Bone_Mandible, BrachialPlex_L, BrachialPlex_R, Brain, Brainstem, Buccal_Mucosa_L, Buccal_Mucosa_R, Cavity_Oral, Cricophar_inlet, Esophagus_S, Eye_L, Eye_R, Eye_Ant_L, Eye_Ant_R, Eye_Post_L, Eye_Post_R, Glnd_Lacrimal_L, Glnd_Lacrimal_R, Glnd_Submand_L, Glnd_Submand_R, Glnd_Thyroid, Glottis, Larynx_SG, Lips, Musc_Constrict, Lens_L, Lens_R, OpticChiasm, OpticNrv_L, OpticNrv_R, OpticChiasm_cnv, OpticNrv_cnv_L, OpticNrv_cnv_R, Parotid_L, Parotid_R, Pituitary, SpinalCord
2017 Duane et al.:
ESTRO ACROP 2018 Salembier et al.:
Prostate, Rectum
RTOG 2011 Kong et al.:
A_Aorta, Heart, Lung_L, Lung_R, V_Venacava_I, V_Venacava_S, SpinalCanal
RTOG 2012 Gay et al.:
Bag_Bowel, Bladder, Bowel_Large, Bowel_Small, Femur_L, Femur_R, PenileBulb, RectoSigmoid, SeminalVes, UteroCervix
RTOG 2014 Jabbour et al.:
Duodenum, Esophagus, Kidney_L, Kidney_R, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Stomach
SABR UK Consortium 2019.:
Bronchus_Prox, Heart+A_Pulm, Trachea_Prox
Gray’s Anatomy 2020 Standring S.:
Bone_Pelvic, L4_VB, L5_VB, Sacrum
Humerus_L, Humerus_R, Trachea, Vagina
Individual vertebrae and ribs are supported within the Bone CT model, making up a total of 48 structures that can be used either as OARs or CTVs for SBRT or palliative treatments.
Gray’s Anatomy 2020 Standring S.:
C01, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, T01, T02, T03, T04, T05, T06, T07, T08, T09, T10, T11, T12, L01, L02, L03, L04, L05
Rib01_L, Rib01_R, Rib02_L, Rib02_R, Rib03_L, Rib03_R, Rib04_L, Rib04_R, Rib05_L, Rib05_R, Rib06_L, Rib06_R, Rib07_L, Rib07_R, Rib08_L, Rib08_R, Rib09_L, Rib09_R, Rib10_L, Rib10_R, Rib11_L, Rib11_R, Rib12_L, Rib12_R