

AI-based auto-contouring – What to expect?

Time is money but it’s even more than that - time is life. Radiotherapy is one of the medical fields in which technological advances find a proper receptor. We find new ways to use outstanding computer capabilities to increase the quality of services and focus on the next steps to…



Lymph nodes irradiation for breast cancer – outlines from the Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group meta-analysis

An important article for clinical practice  was recently published in “The Lancet”. The conclusions are based on the meta-analysis of 16 trials and represents a trustable proof on impact of radiotherapy of the lymph node regions in breast cancer radiotherapy. It is important to mention that individual patient data  from…



The future of AI in Radiotherapy, and how does MVision AI plan to further enhance its offerings in this field

The interview of Jarkko Niemelä, CEO, and Co-founder of MVision AI, for magazine. October 2023. What specific challenges does Contour+ address in the field of radiotherapy, and how does its AI-powered automation contribute to overcoming these challenges? The largest challenge in cancer radiotherapy is the shortage of experts, including…



Man vs. Machine (Learning): Comparing Speed and Cost-Effectiveness of Manual vs. Deep Learning Segmentation-Aided Volume Delineation for Head and Neck Lymph Node Targets

This preliminary study shows that using an AI-based segmentation-aided approach to Head and Neck Lymph Node stations can be feasibly implemented within a standard Radiation Oncology workflow!MVision AI's guideline-based Contour+ offers the potential for significant time and cost savings in your Radiation Therapy department.



MVision AI Contour+ (Guideline-Based AI Segmentation): highlights from an independent validation study using a comprehensive and curated data set

Overall, 87% of the radiation oncologists who participated in the study gave the MVision AI Contour+ a score of 4 or 5 (minor or no editing required). How to properly test an AI-based auto-contouring solution? Artificial-intelligence applications are becoming increasingly popular in medicine, including Radiotherapy. Before AI-based tools can be…



Breast cancer radiotherapy – Exciting news about concomitant boost for hypofractionated treatment schedules

One of the important studies presented at the recent ASTRO 2023 meeting provided strong evidence for  the safety and efficacy of concomitant boost during hypofractionated radiotherapy for breast cancer. Currently, about 60% of women with breast cancer receive conservative surgery, followed by radiotherapy (1). Previous studies showed that for conservative…



The clinician of the future – empowered by AI

Elsevier Health recently published a “Clinician of the future” report, based on the results of an online survey which gathered the perspectives of more than 2600 clinicians from 116 countries. They expressed their opinions on the future of healthcare, the opportunities and challenges they are facing in their roles. Perspectives…



📍Research Results of MVision AI Contour+ Models’ Clinical Evaluation

Key facts: Professionals working in 40 clinics from 31 countries assessed MVision AI's Contour+ solution (Figure 1). More than 11 800 structures were evaluated on 1353 scans (Figure 2). Detailed results can be found in 5 full text articles published in 3 Peer-reviewed journals (Diagnostics 2020, Physics and Imaging in…



PROSPECT Echoes – the Power of Words and the Importance of the Chosen Perspective

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Marie Sklodovska-Curie   Limited awareness and negative perceptions Radiation Oncology is not new as a medical field, but it is not well known, either.…



Bridging the Gap: Advancing Cancer Care for All

Since 2022, when World Cancer’s Day “Close the Care Gap” campaign was launched, we have probably all heard this motto. Disparities in cancer care, unfortunately, represent day to day realities and enforce the need of smart solutions for an efficient use of the resources. Currently, about 2 million people are…



Advancements in Breast Cancer Treatment: Highlights from the ESTRO 2023 Conference

The annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) took place in Vienna from 12 to 15 May, gathering over 6000 professionals. More than 2500 abstracts on radiotherapy-related research projects were spread among 197 sessions. May was also cancer research month and international women’s health month. Since…



Radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer – The Challenge of a Difficult Site

More than half a million people are diagnosed each year with esophageal cancer. It is the 8th most common cancer type and places sixth regarding mortality[1]. Several factors influence the treatment decision with this cancer diagnosis, like the stage of the disease, the tumor site, the pathological type, and the…


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