12th Annual Radiological Physics Conference (ČSFM)

About this event

Let’s meet at the 12th Annual Radiological Physics Conference (ČSFM), where the organizers from the Department of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection at Olomouc University Hospital will do their best to make this event a success.

We are happy to introduce MVision AI’s partner in the Czech Republic, Stargen EU s.r.o., which specializes in supplying the most modern Hi-Tech medical technology from around the world. The company’s goal is to bring new global medical and technical innovations to the Czech Republic and teach Czech doctors to use these innovations for the benefit of their patients. It also directs its business activities to Central Europe.



29 - 31 MAY, 2024


Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Czech Republic


Hotel Skalsky dvur, Lísek 52, 593 01 Lísek u Bystřice nad Pernštejnem



Meet our experts

Szilard Madari
Szilard Madari
Director Sales EMEA



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Register for: 12th Annual Radiological Physics Conference (ČSFM)


29 - 31 MAY, 2024


Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Czech Republic


Hotel Skalsky dvur, Lísek 52, 593 01 Lísek u Bystřice nad Pernštejnem