ASTRO 2023 MVision Happy Hour
The event will feature appetizers, an open bar, cheerful surprises, and insights about the innovative Contour+, an unmatched Guideline-Based AI Contouring tool, shared by our CEO, Jarkko Niemelä, as well as by very special speakers with in-demand topics. Guests are also encouraged to bring a friend. Save the date and secure your spot in advance […]
ESTRO 2023
ASTRO 2023 Annual Meeting
MVision AI is excited to present our AI-driven Guideline Based Segmentation (GBS™) solutions at ASTRO’s 65th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. We invite you to visit our booth #2053 to chat with our experts for an exclusive view of our GBS™ solutions in action. At this year’s ASTRO we are offering the unique opportunity […]